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Thursday, January 6, 2011, 01:17 PM
Posted by Administrator
Yes, I am still alive.Posted by Administrator
My last blog entry was posted just prior to the start of two wonderful, but time-intensive, major life events - a Master's degree program and a new job. Throw in a move (more on that later) and there's been little time for blogging since. With a week off over the holidays, however, I took a few minutes to draft a note to bring my blog up to date.
Fourteen years after graduating from Mount Holyoke, I finally enrolled in graduate school with the online Integrated Marketing Communications program at West Virginia University. The thought of being a student after all those years was daunting, but I felt I needed more education to get caught up in the marketing field. I have now finished my second course and am really enjoying the material. It is an intense program, however, and I'm grateful for the two week break before class number three, Creative Strategy, begins.
I'm pleased to report that this blog played a role in landing my job as communications manager at Cummings Properties! Who would have thought? I absolutely love my job and am excited for what the future holds in this part of my life.
After about five months in a temporary apartment in Cambridge, we found an amazing house in Reading, about 10 miles north of Boston. We're still unpacking boxes and need to figure out a doggie door/fence system, but it's home and we love it.
My wonderful husband is working for Northern Power System (on wind turbines) and splits his time between Cambridge and Barre, Vermont. He has also begun his base training for Ironman Lake Placid next July.
2010 has been a truly amazing year: we quit our jobs, had a once-in-a-lifetime west coast road trip, drove across the country with our dogs, had a fantastic summer in the city, landed new jobs, went back to school, found a new house. It's hard to believe we fit all this in!
2011 promises to be much more settled, but I have high hopes that it will be full of adventure, fun, and happiness. I wish the same to you as well!
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Sunday, August 22, 2010, 07:42 PM
Posted by Administrator
I put the inaugural Run Gloucester 7-miler on my calendar months ago (while still living in Tucson, in fact), but was starting to have racer’s remorse as it drew near. Our weekends have been jam-packed with house hunting; it’s a 45-minute drive away; and the seacoast-hugging course is chock full of hills. I just wasn’t feeling it. But, having roped my brother-in-law, Jon, into signing up, there was no backing out.Posted by Administrator
It turns out that this race was exactly what I needed. The morning couldn’t have been more glorious. I had one of those happy-to-be-alive, nothing-hurts, a-chorus-of-angels-singing in the background kind of runs.
I toed the starting line (or rather my spot in between the 9 and 10 minute/mile pace starting corrals) with no expectations, no goals and no real plan except to run comfortably. After chasing down PR’s at the past few races, it was a relief to just run. Run and enjoy the iconic New England coastal scenery. Run and joke with my fellow middle-of-the-packers about our mediocrity. Run and high-five the kids and thank the volunteers.
I enjoyed every minute of it. Or, to be exact, every 68 minutes and 54 seconds of it.
I congratulate DMSE on a well-organized event. The course was one of the most scenic I’ve run and, as a bonus, was closed to traffic. Aid stations were numerous and well-staffed. Post-race food was plentiful and varied with bananas, yogurt & granola, protein drinks and clam chowder. I’ve had post-race breakfast burritos in Tucson, so why not clam chowder in America’s oldest seaport?
Before heading home, we celebrated the morning’s accomplishment with another Massachusetts mainstay, Dunkin Donuts coffee.

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Saturday, August 7, 2010, 03:11 PM
Posted by Administrator
Posted by Administrator

Salem, Massachusetts greeted us with surprisingly chilly temperatures for an August morning. Wishing I had brought a jacket, I was glad that I was not the one who would soon be plunging into the Atlantic. No, that would be my 7-year old niece, Hannah. Although it wasn’t so much plunging as wading until forced to actually swim around a buoy. But, she did it! And even emerged with a smile on her face.
At the Haunted City Junior Triathlon, Hannah learned how to set up her transition area and I learned that bike racks aren’t needed when everyone has a kick stand.

Hannah bravely joined the other shivering children in the ocean and then laughed and chatted through most of the 100-meter swim/walk portion of the race.

She had a whole crew of family members sprinting up the beach to meet her at transition with cheers and encouragement, and then racing off again to catch photos on the 1.5-mile bike course.

Paul and I walked with Hannah a bit on the run course and she made it clear, with words and the look on her face, that this was hard.

But, like most athletes, she managed to find another gear when the finish line came into sight. She blazed down the straightaway, grinning from ear to ear, and claimed her finisher’s medal.

Although she didn’t get one of those trophies she wanted so badly, she definitely earned bragging rights.

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010, 04:48 PM
Posted by Administrator
Wildcat Sprint Triathlon Top 5 List Posted by Administrator

5. Live Music
The sound of music is never so sweet as when it signals your proximity to the finish line. While many races feature a DJ, FIRM Racing went one step further with a live band to keep the spectators entertained and the athletes pumped. A very nice touch.

4. Shady , Low-Traffic Bike Course
In Arizona, cycling in the summer means baking in the sun. The well-shaded roads of Massachusetts have been an unexpected perk of our recent move. The website describes the bike route as “a single loop, fairly flat eleven mile course on beautiful roads that make you feel you are in a rural setting.” I’ll give them everything but the “fairly flat,” as this holds true only for the first 6 miles.

3. A 400-Meter Swim
The swim takes place in the Merrimack River, a body of water which, unlike a pool, is known to have a current. Visions of swimming in place (much like in an endless pool) almost kept me from signing up. But, then, I saw that the swim was just 400 meters – half the distance of a typical sprint swim. Some might feel that it’s not even worth getting wet for a swim THAT short. I am not one of those people.
2. Racing with a Tri Girl
In my few years of racing, I have never competed in a triathlon without a fellow Tri Girl. Despite taking place in Massachusetts, this race was no different. Spending a few weeks in the area for work, Keli was actually the one who found this race. We didn’t have a whole TTG rack or hordes of purple-clad cheerleaders. But we had each other!

1. My Own Personal Cheering Section
I admit it – guilt tactics were employed. Nonetheless, it was fantastic to have most of my immediate family present and accounted for…and waving homemade signs.

Despite some rather sporadic training due to the recent acquisition of a job, Paul still managed to take first place in his age group. He didn’t walk away with any hardware, however, as a computer glitch prevented the results from being posted until 2 days later. But we hear it’s in the mail. Well done, Paul!
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Thursday, July 29, 2010, 03:54 PM
Posted by Administrator
After a day spent mostly with my bottom in a chair and my face bathed in the glow of a computer, I was grateful for a reason to get out of my “garden level” apartment and into the above-ground world. The Luna Chix Boston Running Team was hosting a yoga clinic at Danehy Park and, if there’s anything better than a good yoga class, it’s a good yoga class outdoors.Posted by Administrator
The bike ride was short, just 2 miles away, but somewhat awkward with a yoga mat sticking out of my drawstring backpack and poking me in the head. I’m sure savvier yogini’s have found better ways to transport their mats, but I'm not there yet.
I met the eight or so other women, unrolled my mat on a flat spot on the grass, and suddenly became very conscious of all of the activity surrounding us – a group of men playing soccer, a man talking loudly on his cell phone, families flying kites, teenage boys gawking at us. But, before long, I got past all that and enjoyed the breezy evening and the much-needed stretching.
For a $10 donation to the Breast Cancer Fund, we received a great class geared toward runners (lots of IT band stretching!) and the mother of all goodie bags.

On top of that, I won a raffle prize of a box of Luna bars. While I generally prefer food in its natural state over the bar form, these little packages do come in handy when traveling or on long bike rides. This loot will tide me over for months to come! Had I known about all of the schwag, I certainly would have brought a bigger backpack.
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