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    • December
      • Practicing at Pemberton
        To ease the stress of our holiday travel day, Paul and I decided to spend Monday night at a Phoenix aiport hotel. And since we'd be in Phoenix, why not drive just a little farther to McDowell Mountain Park and run the 15.5-mile Pemberton Trail? We'll be running two loops of this course for

      • Back on Track
        Paul and I had been planning to bike with his regular group at 7:30 this morning, but a combination of a late night and temperatures in the 30's convinced us to stay under the covers. We went to a holiday party Friday evening and managed to get to bed by 10:00pm, only to be awakened a few hours

      • The Reset Button
        Last Friday included two work-related holiday parties, the first of which featured a lunch of pasta and chocolate cake. That much carbs and sugar in one sitting is a rarity for me. The second event, later that evening and of which I was in charge, involved 200 people, Santa and presents. That, I lea

      • A Weekend of Training
        Friday - The Gym
        I hit LA Fitness in the morning for a great full-body workout. In the future, there will be increased strength, better running and a more toned body. In the meantime, there will be sore muscles. It's a good sore. A healthy sore. But, still...sore. Later in the day, and esp

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