Brief Hiatus 05/29/09
Tomorrow morning, I drive up to the cool White Mountains to co-direct a week of MDA Summer Camp. Please send good thoughts my way for good weather, healthy campers, well-behaved volunteers and a smooth week!
A Sub-30 Minute 5K 05/24/09
After finishing the Dave's Run for ALS 5K in 30:00.4, I was determined to add some speed to my weekly workouts and run a sub-30-minute 5K. However, between my work schedule and my IT Band, I never made it to the track. Shocking, I know. I showed up for the Tucson 5000 feeling not very confident
A Quick Weekend Report 05/10/09
Although I didn't engage in any traditional exercise on Saturday, I was on my feet from 7:00 a.m. until noon working at the MDA Stride & Ride. It apparently had some effect as my legs were pretty tight this morning. And there's no better way to loosen them up than going on a tandem rid
Back From the Blahs 05/03/09
My recent posting hiatus is due primarily to the fact that MDA Summer Camp is looming on my horizon. The closer it gets, the more time I spend in the office, skimming through piles of barely legible camp applications, thinking up feasible arts and crafts projects and trying to find a good price for